Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I Am Embarassed To Be Among The Living

Has anyone been following the Ghost Cane auction on ebay and the hoopla that has ensued? What started out as a creative mom finding a way to try to ease her 5 year-old's fears has turned into a circus for people with way too much time on their hands. Golden Palace Casino bought the ghost/cane for $65,000. (Side note: Last month they paid $28,000 for a grilled chesse sandwich that bears the image of the Virgin Mary.) Seriously. I can't make this shit up, people. I'm cutting Golden Palace some slack, however, because they give a ton of money to many different charities. Their fundraising methods may be a little tacky, but it works.

Other Opportunists:

The bottom-feeders who have simply copied Mary Anderson's auction (some even using the picture of her deceased father) to make a quick buck.

The variations on a theme folks. And another.

The holiday variations on a theme folks. And another.

The pathetic attempt folks. (C'mon...we all know that's part of your odds-and-ends college silverware collection.)

The downright creepy folks. Eew eew eew eew eew.

The folks who think they're funny.

The folks who are rather funny. And another. And another.

The folks who post useless crap that people buy even though it's totally useless.

Even folks who are not yet ghosts are getting in on the action.

This is completely and totally out of hand. I am having a serious problem wrapping my brain around this.

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