Friday, January 07, 2005

Watching Buffy. For The First Time. Ever.

Episode: Superstar - Buffy tries to figure out why the town thinks a former high-school nerd is now a superhero.

Huh? Wasn't expecting that type of theme song.

Hello American Pie girl!

Who's the guy in black (Jonathan?) that's organizing the ass kicking? I thought Buffy was the head ass kicker.

I'm confused already.

Gratutious shirtless guy scene.

Oh, I get it. The guy in black is the nerd turned superhero referred to in the synopsis.

Girl with binoculars is gonna die (or at least get maimed).

Commercial break: "The Original Lens Dr. glides on smooth." I had to look up to see what they were selling.
A reality horse racing show? Isn't horse racing already real?

Back from commercial.

Girl with binoculars is getting maimed. (See, I told you.)

Okay, this Jonathan guy is everywhere and he's really getting on my nerves. So far he's been head ass kicker, author, relationship counselor, military strategist and now a lounge singer. I might have picked the wrong episode to watch.

Jonathan also plays the trumpet.

Maimed girl seeks out Mr. Trumpet for help.

Commerical break: Judging from this commerical, the plasitic surgery in Nip/Tuck, is either done with guns or is the result of there being a lot of guns. Point Pleasant has some Carrie undertones. Die Hard 2 will be on Monday at 8pm for the 9 millionth time.

Back from commercial.

The monster who attacked Maimed Girl has a Pink Floyd tattoo on its forehead.

Who is the guy who looks like he's from the Borg on Star Trek? Surely he doesn't go out in public like that.

Jonathan's fireplace is almost as tall as he is (approximately 4', 10") .

Eek! Jonathan has the triangle tattoo, too!

Oh, now homely girl is going to get maimed.

See, I told you.

Can't anyone get maimed around here without resulting in a commercial break?

Commercial break: Geico needs some new commercial ideas.
I must be 12 years old because the Cox commercials still make me chuckle. "Now Cox is fater than ever." "Cox is way faster." "Cox is fast. And fast is beautiful." I have a friend who used to work for Cox. Among the many things that Cox handed out at trade shows (pens, mousepads, mugs, magnets, etc.) they had lollipops with the company name on it. Cox suckers.

Back from commercial.

Homely girl just said something in a foreign language and sprayed monster-off from her sleeves. That's handy.

How does a slayer find the time to keep her hair so shiny and healthy?

Meeting of the minds. Blah blah blah.

Giles is a cutie.

Hmmmmm....Buffy's on to something. Alternate universe. Yadda yadda yadda.

So, Spike's a bad guy who's sometimes good? Or at least an informant?

Cave scene. Dark. Creepy music. Commercial break........NOW. (See, I told you.)

Commercial break: The Phantom of the Opera should not be made into a movie unless Michael Crawford will be playing the Phantom. I luff him. He is the one and only true Phantom and anyone else will just suck, dammit.

Back from commercial.

Hey! What happened to the maiming in the cave scene??? Less talkin', more ass whoppin'.

Okay, maiming is back. Buffy is starting to kick ass. The monster looks like a big, hairy testicle with limbs. Gross.

Buffy sufficiently kicked ass. The monster is dead and the Jonathan spell/alternate reality is over.

And now we get to the "what we've learned/after school special" portion of the show.

Gratuitous make out scene.

And we're done.

Riggie, please tell me this is one of the not-so-great episodes.


Michael said...

I have a group of friends that religiously watched buffy when it was on. They went out to a bar afterwords, and I would meet up with them then, since I couldn't get into the show.

To me, it was a bad version of 90210, with vampires. To this day, I still don't understand how or why I poorly written, bad acted show like Buffy was so popular...

Anonymous said...

Buffy *is* a great show, but that episode isn't the best one for getting to know the characters. I've got two seasons on DVD (2 and 6) and would be happy to loan them out so you can get a better idea of Buffy's greatness. Here's to better TV!


Anonymous said...

Dear God, that episode of Buffy should be burned. *shudder* I can't even begin to tell you how wrong it was that THAT was your first Buffy experience. I hate that episode, and lemme tell you something -- I give my Buffy a LOT of leeway for badness. But that? That episode is unforgivable. :(
That's it. I think this calls for an emergency Buffyntervention so that you can heal properly. You name the night; all friggin' seven seasons are ready to go anytime, because I'm *that* big a dork.
I'm so sorry.
So so very sorry...

~ r.