Friday, September 24, 2004

Oh Noooooooooooooooo

It just dawned on me that I missed the season premiere of CSI last night. I am traumatized. I may shed a tear. (Not really, but I feel like being dramatic. I'm crying on the inside, though.) So now I will patiently await the synopsis from Television Without Pity and hope to catch a rerun.

Roomie from Florida and her husband were in town this week and stayed at our place last night. Went to dinner, drove by the house that will be ours in less than a week, and then sat around talking and drinking PBR. (And not the yuppie PBR in a bottle that people are drinking in DC bars just because it's trendy now. We buy it in cans, baby! And.....we drank it way before the recent trend. So there. Pffftttthhhhtt.) Anyhoo, it was nice to hang out with them and we wish the visit could've been longer.

In one week, we will be getting the keys to our new place. Kick ass! I'm so excited I might pee a little. We're gonna have to bust our asses though 'cause the housewarming party is set for October 23rd. Yeah we're insane, but we want to have the big blow out before the weather gets too cold and before people start getting sucked full-force into the frenzy of the holidays.

Spell check does not have any suggestions for "Pffftttthhhhtt."

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