Monday, November 15, 2004

Overdue Update: Wanda Sykes' Show

The Boss took the spotlight Friday night with a fabulous one-liner that stumped the opening act.

Picture it: Keith Robinson is doing a bit about marriage. He doesn't understand why anyone would protest to get married. Only gay people want it enough to protest for it. Let 'em have it. He doesn't care. The Boss and I are sitting second row, center and I guess he picked us out as the stereotypical lesbian couple.

Keith: looks at The Boss and asks Would you protest to marry her? and points to me
The Boss: looks at me and then looks at him funny and says She's my sister.
(Immediate laughter from everyone within earshot. I laugh so hard I almost pee.)
Keith: (Look of, "I was totally not expecting that response, now what the hell do I say.") she's your sister.
(Roar of laughter from the entire audience.)
Keith: Well...I guess you'd have to protest for that, too.
The Boss: No, I'm sorry. I'm just kidding. She's not my sister and yes, I'd protest to marry her.
(Applause from the folks within earshot, with enthusiastic applause from the lesbian couple sitting in our section.)

Wanda was extremely awesome. There were times when I laughed so hard my face hurt. I also love when comedians crack themselves up, which she did a few times. You know it's some funny shit when the person telling the joke has to stop what they're saying to lean on a stool and have their own laughing fit. I highly recommend you check out her appearance schedule and go see her.


searching_monkey said...

You need to remember that Jennifer cracks herself all the time just trying to tell a joke. I love her but most times it is a lot funnier to see her doubled over laughing than whatever she was trying to say.

Marsha (no need for anonymity anymore) said...

Heh heh heh. Good point. :-)