Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Warning For Those Who Know My Mom

Mom's reading this so please don't mention any of the times I...lied about where I was going, consumed illegal substances, used incorrect punctuation, skipped school, ran with scissors, didn't go to church, tried to sell my little sister to gypsies, spoke ill words about Randy Travis, etc.

Warning to Mom: I don't always type with the belief that Jesus is watching me.


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! We still need to get together so I can "show off" my new and very scary apartment (sans elevators, a pool, air conditioning)...and new kitten, Ponce De Leon.

Marsha (no need for anonymity anymore) said...

But I wanted to see the elevators!!! Hopefully they will have your amenities functional in the near future. No A/C is not good. Congrats on the new addition. Is The Cat with Many Holiday Outfits liking his new friend?

Anonymous said...

Mom here! I hope I don't scare anyone away! For those of you who know me, you remember that occasionally I would find out on my own what Marsha was doing. It's still driving her crazy that I won't tell her how I found out she went to Atlanta when she was supposed to be at someone's house for the night. The only way I'll ever tell is if she someday has a teenager of her own and I think she needs to know the secret "Mom Stuff".

Marsha (no need for anonymity anymore) said...

Where are the semicolons??? We need more semicolons.

I'm going to adopt a 13 year old just so you'll tell me.

I remember that Atlanta trip. We went to see the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at Lenox Mall. I belive putting makeup on Nell's brother was involved.