- pull half my hair out of the ponytail holder
- pull several hairs out of my head
- chew on the ponytail holder
- scream in my ear
- aggressively help me eat my lunch
- try to drink out of my glass
- try to take a bath in my glass when she's finished drinking
- attempt to dismantle everything within reach
- poop on me approximately twelve times
But she's just so darn cute...

© Screaming Pea Productions
That's my Grandbird!
Love is -
Finding a big cat "accident" next to the litter box ten minutes after you are suppose to leave for work.
Cleaning the mess, then hearing the crash of ceramic dishes hitting the kitchen floor and seeing a cute little cat looking up from the middle of it all.
Cleaning up broken dishes 30 minutes after you are suppose to go to work.
Want a kitten? He is v-e-r-y lovable!
-Shuler and Ponce's mama
And here I am complaining that my cat won't stop pawing at me.
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