The Boss and I went to the guitar store yesterday because she wanted to look at drums. Of course, we wandered the entire store. The main part of the building is mostly electric guitars and amps and then there are separate rooms for drums, keyboards and acoustic guitars. As we entered the acoustic room, I spotted a guitar hanging on one of the wood columns and immediately knew that I was not leaving the store without it.
Everyone, meet Charlotte:
© Screaming Pea Productions
She is beautiful and I love her and if you say anything bad about her I will kick your ass.
Some of you may be thinking, "I didn't know Invert Girl played guitar."
I don't.
I had a brief stint of guitar lessons in junior high. "Guitar With Coach Bowen" was one of the few mandatory elective classes that didn't suck. A couple weeks into the class, mom found a guitar at a garage sale and bought it for me. I learned a few songs, played it a bit after the class ended, and then I think something on it broke and that was the end of my guitar era.
I have now entered my second guitar era that, from this point on, will be known as the Charlozoic Period. (Why yes, I was in the science club. Why do you ask?)
I don't know that I will actually get into playing guitar again. I discovered yesterday my fingers aren't long enough to reach some of the chords. But in the meantime, Charlotte has been enduring experimentation with my camera and photo editor.
© Screaming Pea Productions