Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I'll take "Words you don't want to hear during your sonogram" for $200 please, Alex.

I have learned a valuable lesson - make sure that your primary care physician and staff are competent. Because even if 95% of the time when you use them it's only for a bad cold or to get a referral to a specialist, that other 5% of the time will hit you with severe abdominal pain on a Friday morning while you're at work. From that point on, your PCP and her staff will flawlessly demonstrate that their job skills do not include attention to detail, returning messages, listening comprehension, or basic knowledge of how to correctly obtain a blood pressure reading. Then, on Monday morning after the sonogram specialist utters the word "abnormal" you will get an overwhelming sinking feeling that is greatly magnified by the realization that you cannot entrust your doctor with any sort of serious medical problem.

Fortunately, I was able to find a new PCP within walking distance from work AND someone can see me tomorrow AND my insurance company has already updated my PCP in their system AND the sonogram center will gladly fax my results to my new PCP.

Update (3/10/05): Went to the new doc. Very competant. She doesn't think it's anything too serious. Follow up appointment scheduled. I feel much better now.

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