Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Direct Your Attention to the Sidebar

Warning: overly enthusiastic self-promotion ahead.

I am becoming an HTML Master! Victory is mine! The possibilities are endless! (Read: I have successfully added a tiny new section to my sidebar with links to pages "worth checking out.")

Seriously though, I'm really proud of myself. Yes, I realize this makes me a dork. I don't care. I did it all by myself, dammit.


hrtucker said...

Great gravy! You are indeed the html master. You go on with your rock-and-roll self.

I would write a haiku about it, but I am over quota for September :) Look for an homage in future editions.

Marsha (no need for anonymity anymore) said...

Awesome! Not only is that picture all crazy and trippy, but it has an invertebrate as well. :-)