We actually have a ramp, however, we can't use it because it's about 250 miles away. We let someone borrow it, thinking that we could get both of our 4-wheelers on our trailer. We thought wrong. (The older ATV is named Ozzy. We have yet to name the new one.) Technically, we probably could get both ATV's on the trailer, but trying it would most likely result in a trip to the emergency room and a submission to America's Funniest Videos.
We went with Redneck Plan B. (Which, as it turns out, also could've resulted in a hospital trip.)

© Screaming Pea Productions
The tailgate didn’t quite meet the ground, but we had a couple of boards that we’d used in December to unload the ATV off a trailer. So we backed the truck up, drove the 4-wheeler up the hill, lined up the boards with the tires and The Boss proceeded to slowly drive it up into the truck bed. She got almost completely in the truck when one of the boards said “Nope, that’s it. I’m done,” and snapped in half under the weight of the back, right wheel. Joy. Fortunately the other board was a trooper and stayed intact. The Boss and I both let out expletives as she stood up to reposition and I grabbed the back of the ATV so the falling tire could catch on the tailgate. We managed to get it the rest of the way in without further problems. Next time we’re going to forgo the ramps altogether and just build up speed and launch the 4-wheeler into the back of the truck – Dukes of Hazzard style. (Not really, but I can dream, can't I?)

© Screaming Pea Productions
You've incorporated MSPaint into your blog! You're MY HERO!
p.s. can you please post your professional MSPain portfolio? I think that's quite possibly the funniest series of work-related-but-you-wouldn't-know-it graphics ever. Especially with Alison's title being "Blah blah blah."
Heheheheheheh. "Dear Mr. Foxworthy..." Classic. :) ~r.
When I figured out how to post graphics on here I was like, "Yes! I can share my MS Paint skills with the world!" (or the approximately 3 people reading this blog). I'll post my portfolio once I complete the "hyperactive" name tag and do a rendering of the elephant complaint.
See, I want to know why I never received this portfolio. I'm cut to the core :( Have I not been among the MOST complimentary of your mspaint masterpieces? Have I not contributed ideas and even been the subject of one? *SIGH* Good thing I have that whole canister of gummi worms cuz nobody likes me and everybody hates me and we alllllllllll know what that means.....
I guess I'll just trot off into the mists of oblivion along with DaVinci's horse
And see if I ever invite you to MY house in Tahoe.
--Barrel Bucker
and p.s., I'm retahded at all of this link simple text nonsense, so my blog is at http://www.livejournal.com/users/alianne3h/
But don't read too far back because it's pretty uninteresting. I'm upgrading it to a higher level starting yesterday :)
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