Friday, October 07, 2005

Two Drink Minimum. But We Should Maybe Think About Instituting A Maximum.

I was recently reminded of this and thought I should share.
About a year ago, The Boss and I had former coworker of hers and his girlfriend over to grill out for dinner. We all became inebriated early in the evening, and while the coworker sobered up later for the drive home, his girlfriend stayed quite intoxicated. The next day, he called to thank The Boss for the fun evening and part of their conversation went like this:

The Boss: So we'll have to have you guys over for karaoke more often.
Guy: Next time I might even keep most of my clothes on. I think I embarassed [girlfriend].
The Boss: Well, she was pretty drunk when you two left.
Guy: Yeah. When we got home I had to put her in bed. She couldn't even take off her shoes, so I had to help her.

As The Boss was relaying this to me, I blurted out, "But she was wearing FLIP FLOPS!"

You have to be a special kind of drunk to not be able to take off your flip flops.


Anonymous said...

... And by "special kind of drunk," you could very well mean, "the Cap'n's kind of drunk..." Also, if you institute a drink maximum at your house, I might cry...

Speaking of which, I hear Rave Season is almost over. Don't make me come over there with my own glowsticks and a bulk sack of Danceclub Foam powder...

Marsha (no need for anonymity anymore) said...

Don't shed a tear. I couldn't ever really institute a drink maximum. Remember this is me we're talking about here.

I know, it's getting kinda cold for the Do-It-Yourself Rave In A Shed. But hey, the house is a rental - we'll just move the foam indoors. Heheheheheheheh.