's a jellyfish!

This is my second favorite Halloween costume. (The first favorite being when I was 4 years old and dressed up like Donna Fargo. I loved her. I think I wanted to be her. I was an odd little child.)
The third night of Boo At The Zoo was yesterday. Thousands of happy halloweeny people running around a zoo with a spooky makeover, getting treats, and having fun with animals? Sign me up! This is the stuff I live for. The most exciting part was when a little girl ran up to the Invert Exhibit entrance and screamed "Yay! You're a jellyfish!" And I looked at her and screamed, "Yay! You're a jellyfish, too!" We compared costumes and decided we were definitely the two coolest people there.
The Dog didn't have a costume this year. We still have the e-collar from when she had surgery and contemplated putting that on her so she could be Direct TV. But every time we discussed it, she gave us THE LOOK. She didn't, however, get out of Halloween fun completely...