Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Once I Figure Out All Of My iPod's Capabilities, You'll Never See Me Again

The Boss got me an iPod for Christmas. It arrived the day before we left for Georgia. She loaded the software that evening and quickly put a hefty chunk of her MP3s on it. I now have 619 songs (aka - 1.27 days of music). That's a lotta freakin' music. And there is room for 4,381 more songs. Are you kidding me? 5,000 songs total? I don't think there are even 5,000 songs I like. I guess I'll find out.

I heart my iPod.


searching_monkey said...

Be careful. I found that I became obsessive with collecting music. Anyone's music. Even if I don't necessarily like their music, but on the very off chance that I eat some bad food and forget I don't like rock and roll music. (I think that I have nearly 10.5 days worth of music)

Hope you enjoy it!!! :)

Michael said...

It's possible to fill your iPod.

I have 6391 songs on my hard drive. 18.2 days of music.

I will admit. I don't like all of it. I probably only like 14.7 days of it. Maybe 14.8.

Anonymous said...

I have 871 music files sitting on my computer right now. And those are just the ones not on CDs already (~ 250), and not on CDs I actually bought (what's 400 x ~18 songs?).

Conclusion: The reason I will never own an iPod is because there's no possible way I could fit everything I want on there.
And if you think I'm exaggerating, ... *sigh* Friend, clearly you do not know me. :) OK, I know you totally do. Also, you may have to remind me several times before I remember to give you a copy of The Greatest Cover of "Careless Whisper Ever." If you're lucky, I might put some Howard Jones on there, too. :) Heheheheheheh.
~ r.