Decorations are appearing in mass. Music is filling the air. It's getting colder by the day. And Invert Girl has not yet started her holiday shopping. This is a problem. Usually by now I have a detailed spreadsheet with everyone's names, gift ideas, web site links, etc. This year I'm totally stumped. I've had to resort to asking people what they want, which I hate doing, but it has to be done. I don't know where the time went. Thank goodness for
Hmmm...maybe I will just make everyone their very own, original work of art in MS Paint.
Here are the first three of a series called "Variations on a Bucking Barrel"
© Screaming Pea Productions
© Screaming Pea Productions
© Screaming Pea Productions
Oh, I spotted.
Heh heh heh. I thought you'd get a kick out of that. Did you ever take a turn on the barrel? Or were you just an innocent bystander? I don't know which part of the video is funnier - Nicole falling in dog poo or the accidental extinguishing of a cigarette in Jen's eye. (Disclaimer: For those who think I'm a horrible person for thinking the cigarette thing is funny, I didn't think it was funny at the time it happened, and she was not seriously injured. Then - not funny. Now - hysterical.)
I never rode the bull. :( I regret it to this day. I was too busy trying to mac on Kirk, and fending off Jen (before she was disabled with a cigarette to the eye.)
Holy crap, I just clicked on your link to Froogle, and it said that Dave Matthews is currently up for sale.
Dave Matthews. For sale. On a discount shopping site.
I wasn't surprised either. :)
Luff, ~ r.
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