Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Best. Mistake. Ever.

Dick Cheney: They know that if you go, for example, to, an independent Web site sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, you can get the specific details with respect to Halliburton.

Actually, Mr. Vice President, that's factcheck.ORG. Going to factcheck.COM redirects you to a web site titled "Why We Must Not Re-Elect President Bush." Classic.

The Boss wondered if John Edwards was creating building plans during the debate instead of just taking notes. His writing may have qualified as a cardio-workout. I'm sure SNL will have a field day with that. Their version of the first Presidential debate was quite good.

I'm glad this was the only VP debate. Any more would've been pointless. I don't think either candidate did enormously better than the other. They're both intelligent. They both know and use the facts to their advantage. They debated well. Now the Smart VP can go back in the vault and the Dumb Guy can continue to represent the Republicans. I'm fine with that. I still don't entirely know what to think about Edwards, but I know enough that I don't hate him, and right now that's good enough for my vote.

Oh, and would it have killed anyone to briefly mention the environment??? C'mon guys. I'm not looking for a bunch of tree-hugging-hippie-crap. I'm not even asking to have a bone thrown at me. Just maybe a Scooby Snack. Even half a Scooby Snack would do. Seriously. We live in it. Let's at least mention it.

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